Our doctors are experts in treating women’s health issues such as uterine fibroids, pelvic venous insufficiency and varicose veins. Our image-guided techniques offer women effective, less-invasive options to find relief.

We treat the following:


Uterine fibroids are not life-threatening, but the symptoms can be severe. These benign tumors inthe uterus can become so large and numerous that they cause pain, bleeding, and a sensation of fullness in the abdomen. Although they are common (by age 50, 80% of women will have them), treatment options have been few and far between, with complete surgical removal of the uterus being the primary recommendation from many doctors. At CiC, we offer a less-invasive option that preserves the uterus and relieves symptoms. Using minimally invasive techniques, our specialists are able to access the arteries feeding fibroid tumors through a very small nick in the skin. When blood flow to the fibroids is cut off, they shrink which helps the pain subside..

Are fibroids affecting your life?

Call our office today.


Chronic pelvic pain is something too many women live with. About 30% of all women will suffer from pain in the lower abdomen, and one common cause, pelvic venous insufficiency, can be difficult to diagnose and treat. With a minimally-invasive procedure known as pelvic vein embolization (PVE), CiC doctors are able to disrupt the blood supply to damaged veins in the pelvis, causing them to close and seal, improving symptoms.

Are you a woman with chronic pelvic pain? Call our office today.


Our endovascular specialists know everything “vein-related” and treat both common and complex vein conditions using the latest cutting-edge technology in our state-of-the-art facility. Our goal: Send you home happy and with healthier veins.


Varicose veins occur when damaged veins are unable to return blood back to the heart. Blood pools in the veins, causing them to bulge, swell, and become visible. Women often seek help for varicose veins because they don’t like how they look, but men may continue to ignore them. Treatment is necessary, however, because varicose veins are often a “canary in the coal mine,” signaling a more serious vascular problem that may affect the body as a whole.

A consultation with one of our vein specialists will determine whether your varicose veins are simply cosmetic or whether you have more extensive vein disease. Our expertise means you’ll have access to state-of-the-art minimally-invasive procedures that will not only make your legs look good, but will improve your overall vascular health.

We treat the following:



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